Fun Kitchen Gadgets

The kitchen gadget market continues to boom as more and more of us are inspired to become amateur cooks in our own homes. From gadgets for the kitchen that has everything, to the simply plain unnecessary, we investigate eight of the ‘best’!

The Sophisticated Breakfast

For all you die hard toast fans out there, why not add a new toaster to your next gift list? Not just any old toaster, but one with an LCD display telling you precisely how long you have to get your hands on your breakfast. Surely the result of a slow day in the design department?

Rich Beans

For those with serious disposable income (is there anybody still left out there?) a Swarovski crystal encrusted coffee machine might just be the one thing you don’t have – yet. With 3,100 crystals and at almost £2,000, this super-indulgent gadget might be just the thing to take your mind off the credit crunch.

Roll Up!

On a slightly more pragmatic level, if you love a hot dog, why not buy your very own hot dog rolling machine? Available in a number of retro kitsch designs, a hot dog roller enables you to churn them out like the professionals while warming your buns at the same time!

Live Long And Prosper

If you like to put off the supermarket shop until the last possible moment, or if yours is a long drive away, you might be interested in a vacuum food store. Claiming to prolong the life of fresh foods like bread, fruit or cheese, by removing a percentage of the air inside the container, the gadget also houses a dehumidifier and an ioniser to slow down the rate of decomposition.

Smooth Operator

Smoothie makers have undergone something of a popularity explosion recently, but are they really any different to the blender gathering dust on top of your kitchen cupboard? The smoothie maker is just one of the many kitchen gadgets that seem rather unnecessary. Yes, it’s great fun to make smoothies, but do we really need a special machine?

Swept Away

Once the domain of the occasional Indian restaurant, the table vacuum is now widely available in a range of sensible and novelty designs, making vacuuming your table top crumbs more fun. Go on, you know you want one. We won’t judge…

Bin There, Done That

The automatic bin is the perfect kitchen accessory for the anti-germ brigade. So keen is this gadget to keep you from chipping your manicure, it opens without you even needing to touch it. Simply hover your waste above the lid and it will obediently pop open, meaning that providing it empties itself too, you need never dirty your hands again!

Scaled Down

For those of us who tend to blame the scales when a recipe goes wrong, it’s time to face our demons. Digital spoon scales precisely measure even the tiniest amount, so you’ll no longer have to guess that pinch of salt or quarter teaspoon of chilli powder. One for the seriously keen or plain neurotic – you decide.

This is a mere taste of the weird, wonderful and wacky kitchen gadgets available today. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never again be short of a gift for the foodie in your family.